Why Have Pet First Aid Kit?

Pet Accidents and emergencies can strike anytime and as a pet owner, it is important to be prepared to give your pet first aid in case of these veterinary emergencies. Whether you are at home, camping, taking a walk, or hiking with your dog it is important to prepare for any medical eventuality. Carefully putting together an emergency kit for your pet will come in handy in ensuring you will be more than ready to deal with any veterinary emergency or accidents that might confront your beloved furry friend. Here are some of the reasons why you need a pet emergency first aid kit: 


Minor Injuries Care

As a pet owner, you cannot ignore minor injuries such as cuts, scrapes, or scratches that might make your pet's life uncomfortable. Having proper supplies such as antiseptic, scissors, gloves and bandages can help provide proper medical care against minor accidents such as cuts and scrapes. Not every pet accident requires expensive visits to vets.  

Emergency Preparedness

Disaster happens without warning and having a well-stocked first aid kit can make a huge difference in ensuring your pet gets the care it needs in emergencies. A vital tool that can help prevent severe damage to your furry friend from emergency situations such as body injuries, choking or poison injection before getting help from the vet. 

Preventative care

As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to keep your pet healthy and happy through preventative care. And having the right first aid kit will ensure you keep your pet well groomed, preventing sickness from creeping in.  You can use ARCA kit supplies scissors to cut away fur, gloves to help clean germs from your pet's wound, or tweezer to remove ticks, splitters, or thorns before they become a huge menace to your pet’s health.

Get your kit today

Do not be caught unawares in your next pet’s emergency. Take the necessary precaution by getting yourself a pet first aid kit today. It will come in handy for those emergency situations that are likely to face your pet. Pet first aid kits contain different supplies for different medical situations. Here is a list of some of the recommended supplies:

  • Tweezers

  • Disposable gloves

  • Alcohol wipes

  • Styptic powder

  • Whistle

  • Bandage

  • Antiseptic

  • Tick removal kit

  • Pet eyewashes

  • Alcohol wipes

  • Sterile gauze pads

  • Adhesive tape

  • Cotton swabs

  • Antiseptic towelette

If you are not sure of the first aid kit supplies to get for your pet for minor and major first aid situations preparedness, you can get yourself ARCA Pet First Aid Kit. The pet emergency kit is carefully assembled by pet owners to ensure your pet gets the care it needs while saving you money and time! 

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