Emergency contacts for your pet's safety


Save these numbers

I'm keeping this one a little bit shorter (after all, we need a little break from that über-serious post from earlier...), but I just wanted to go over some key emergency contacts for your pet in case anything happens to them.

Hopefully, you'll NEVER have to reach for any of these numbers because we wouldn't want anything happening to your pets, but for pet owners I think it's crucial to have them either on speed dial, er...I mean, saved in your contacts so you can easily search for them. (And I just gave away how old I am...😒)

And as always, have a first aid kit ready for times like this. In fact, we have just the right one for you! Pet First Aid Kit

Animal Poison Control Center Hotline: 1- 888-426-4435

Website: https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control

This is often the first number to appear on search results when it comes to poison issues with your pets. It's reliable (since they're sponsored in part by 30+ companies) and their hotline is open 24 hours. Their website also has some pretty useful information on there, like what poisonous plants to avoid, what foods you shouldn't feed your pets (chocolate being one for dogs!!!), poisonous household products, and so on. A $45 consultation fee will apply.


Pet Poison Hotline: 1- 888-213-6680 / 1-855-764-7661

Website: https://www.petpoisonhelpline.com/

This is another trusted number you can call to consult about your pets' poison status. They're also available 24 hours a week so this hotline should be another number in your saved contacts. Their website is also full of useful information regarding your pets' safety, so definitely keep this one in mind as well. A $59 consultation fee will apply for consultation, including follow-ups.

National Pet Recovery Hotline: 1-800-984-8638

This is the first number you should call if you think you've lost your pet. Lost pets usually end up in animal shelters before the city or county decides to do anything about it. Various consultation and membership fees apply. 

Legal Hotline (abuse): 1-800-555-6517

If you think someone you know or see if abusing their pet(s), this is the number you should call. However, keep in mind that this isn't a place where you would call to complain about dogs barking all night and other animal noise incidents. Call your city's local animal shelters for that matter.

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